Vårt arbeide bestod i å lage en informasjonsside for industrien slik at man på denne siden kunne hente inn løpende ny informasjon om tema 2D Matrix.
Nomvec/nye EU regler
2D Matrix – Sikkerhet mot forfalskning av legemidler
Samtlige leverandører av medisiner må innenfor fristen ha implementert sikkerhetsrutiner slik at man stanser uekte medisiner mot å komme ut på markedet. NoMVO (Norwegian Medicines Verification Organisation) is responsible for establishing and maintaining the Medicines Verification System in Norway. The verification system shall protect patients from falsified medicines.
EU has issued a directive to protect the public against falsified medicines, and requires two separate safety features to be implemented on prescription medicines. One of them is a 2D data matrix code, and national organisations across Europe are working on its implementation within the deadline 9th February 2019.